Use VariableStarsObserver to estimate variable star or nova magnitude. [more]
Categories: ImageInspection
Keywords: AAVSO, Variable stars
To use VariableStarsObserver, simply open an image in PixInsight and launch the VariableStarsObserver process from the menu PROCESS > ImageInspection. In the process dialog box, click on Apply button on bottom left of the dialog box or the grey star on the top right corner of the "Variable Stars Observer" section.
The process will query the International Variable Stars Index to retrieve all variable stars available in the image's field of view. It will then perform a second query to the AAVSO Plotter to retrieve all the constant stars and associated data.
Next, the process will perform a PSF (Point Spread Function) measurement on each constant and variable star. The magnitude of the variable stars will be estimated based on the constant stars. The stars will then be sorted by channel and magnitude (either reference magnitude or estimated magnitude).
The process will automatically select a variable star near the center of the image. Constant stars with magnitudes close to the variable star will be automatically selected as comparison and check stars.
A new calculation of the variable star's magnitude will be performed based on selected compare star and displayed in the text box.
Table in Variable Stars Observer section provides following information based on selected stars in picklists.
Variable star:
As reminder, the estimation of magnitude is Mv = Mc - 2.5 x Log10(Fv/Fc)
Compare star:
Check star:
Additional information are povided on the right:
The parameters in the Variable Stars Observer section allow users to:
Additional buttons provide the following functionality:
Compare to Dynamic PSF, the star list, on top of the process dialog box, contains additional information:
Additional sorting options are available in the dedicated sort-by dialog box:
From this star list user can:
When a new variable star is selected, the process will automatically select default comparison and check stars based on magnitude. You can then manually select different stars if needed.
From the image, a simple click on a star will add it to the list as a custom variable star.
When Sort by Channel and Magnitude is selected, all saturated stars are moved to the end of the list and are excluded from any magnitude calculation. Users can delete any stars from the star list. A new magnitude calculation will be performed, and the report will be automatically updated. The process can work with monochrome, tri-color images, or a selected channel from a tri-color image. In this first version, process will consider mono channel images as TG band and tri-color image as TR, TG, TB bands.
The user can fill Observer Code and click on Exoprt button to generate a formal AAVSO report in Extended format (CSV file). User can click on Submit button to open official AAVSO submit page.
Before submission, AAVSO will display a graph comparing your measurement to those of other observers. Below a real example show a difference below 0.002 in magnetude versus other reports at same date.
Repository Variable Stars Observer process for PixInsight (copy/past full url in PixInsight)
Support Variable Stars Observer process for PixInsight
DeepSkyForge VSO web site
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Variable Star Plotter (VSP)
Variable Star Index (VSX)
AAVSO Extended File Format
Filters accepted for the AAVSO International Database
Submit Photometry Observations (an AAVSO account is required)
Variable Stars Observer annoucement on PixInsight forum
Variable Stars Observer annoucement on AAVSO forum
Copyright © 2024-2025 Joël Vallier
This product is based on software from the PixInsight project, developed by Pleiades Astrophoto and its contributors (